Over 39 years experience in communal land management
talk to usWe are the landowner in law of approximately 2.8 million hectares in the province of KwaZulu – Natal
On the eve of the first ever democtratic election in the Republic of South Africa the Ingonyama Trust was founded. This institution was founded to ensure control and ownership of the approximately 2.8 million hectares of communal land in KwaZulu – Natal.
This land is held in Trust for the material benefit and welfare of the tribes and communities by the Ingonyama who is the sole trustee.
In order for the sole trustee to execute this work he has in his employ the services of a Board and Secretariat who run this office on a day to day basis.
Thank you for visiting our official website, we hope that you will find all relevant information on this website. If you can’t find what you are looking for feel free to contact us using our contact form.
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Learn about us…..
historical landscape

The history of land dispossession in the Zulu nation
We illustrate briefly the history of land dispossessions in the zulu nation and briefly narrate the Kings that were in the helm at that particular moment in time.
land management

We manage land with the traditional councils
Since land is a limited resource our role is to ensure that there is controlled access to the land talk to us if you need to lease land for business purposes.
material benefits

Community projects that are informed by the public
A local economic development initiative by Ingonyama Trust Board in KwaMachi Traditional Council in Harding in the Ugu District Municipality.

The Board and Secretariat
It is our aim to be as transparent as possible at all costs which is why we present to your our
Board and members of the Secretariat.

Quotations and Tenders
From time to time we advertise bids in various forms please visit this page for more relevant information

Annual Reports, Acts etc
All documents relating to the organisation are stored here. From Annual Reports, Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans, legislation etc.
Industry leaders with a track record of excellence
The Ingonyama Trust Board was established in 2000 after the amendment of the Ingonyama Trust Act. Since then we have been able to provide leases to a variety of business organisations who have been using this land for a variety of reasons such as shopping malls, service stations, cellphone towers to mention the latter.
The monies collected from these leases is used for the upliftment of the communities in the traditional councils where the development has taken place.

Overview of our acheivements
In the past financial year 2022/23 we are proud to state that we have had the following achievements.
revenue generated
leases approved
disbursed to communities
total years experience